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Wedding Day!
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Wedding begins at 4:30pm Central Time
(Invitation Only)

Wedding colors:
Lilac, light pink, ivory, and spring green

Registry Information:
Amazon and Crate & Barrel


Their Story...


First of all, I’m so grateful to have a testimony to share. I’ve been a member of Remnant Fellowship Church for seven years now. I was first introduced to the church by my Great Grandma, Patricia Mullins, who has been a member of the church for over twenty years. God then led my other Grandma, Rhonda Mullins, to move to Tennessee, and she also became a member of Remnant! Due to the shining light, love, wisdom, and pure selflessness of these two ladies, I wanted to be around them as much as I could. I started coming to Tennessee for summer visits and had the honor of going to the church’s summer day camp. I quickly made friends there, and I had the best time every summer I came to visit. Even from a young age, I knew this church community was different, and I could see the fruit that came from it. When I got older, I had the opportunity to volunteer as a junior counselor at summer day camp, and I enjoyed it so much. I have loved every part of being involved in Remnant Fellowship, and I have cherished all the friendships I have made over the years, friendships which are still strong today.   

Lily is the most kind, caring, humble, and beautiful girl on this planet! She is always pointing me up to God and helping me stay on track. Lily encourages me every step of the way! She is such a strong, Godly woman, and I am grateful that we get to grow stronger together and closer to God together every day. - Owen

A few years later, God allowed my whole family to attend Passover in person, and attending that festival led to my family moving to Tennessee not long after! There was no denying this was where my family wanted to be. We wanted to learn how to have a closer relationship with God, and we knew there was so much love and compassion here. We wanted to learn how to walk through this life like Jesus Christ did, fully focused on God’s will. The sermons that Gwen Shamblin Lara poured out every week have forever made an impact on us. We are so grateful for her life, and we now have the honor of learning from the example of Elizabeth Hannah, Gwen’s daughter, as she leads the church forward.  

After moving to Tennessee, I also had the opportunity to participate in Remnant Fellowship’s homeschool co-op, where I found myself surrounded by Godly influences and the best encouragement during my teenage years! We were all growing closer to each other and building a deeper relationship with God. Making that transition has made my relationship with God even stronger, and I began to realize that I wanted to be a part of this church not just for the friends...and not just because my parents attended it...but because I wanted it for myself.  I made the personal choice to put God first on my own and to develop a true personal relationship with Him.

In building that stronger relationship with God, He led me to Lily Sorrells. Lily and I met when we were younger and have been best friends for years. We had so much in common, and having a friendship with her was easy, uplifting, and fun! Years later, God allowed our loving friendship to develop into deeper feelings. God showed me that this is the women He wanted me to share my life with!  

Lily Sorrells is the most kind, caring, humble, and beautiful girl on this planet! She is always pointing me up to God and helping me stay on track. Lily encourages me every step of the way! She is such a strong, Godly woman, and I am grateful that we get to grow stronger together and closer to God together every day. There’s no one else I’d rather spend my life with.  

Another beautiful blessing is how our families have come together with so much unity and support. Our parents love to be together and love to pray for us and for one another. Both families are continually seeking the same thing – God’s will and what He wants in every situation. They have helped guide us to God’s Word and the amazing examples we have here many times, and our relationship is stronger for that. Our parents uphold God and this church, and they have been given the wisdom to show us what God intends a marriage to be. I am so grateful to be shown what kind of husband God has called me to be, and I pray I am the most Godly husband, as I know Lily will be the most Godly wife to me.

  I could not be more grateful to God for all He has done in my life. I would be nowhere without God and this church community. I am so humbled to stand beside this beautiful woman whom God hand-selected for me, as we establish a sacred covenant to our Almighty God, with all our wonderful family, friends, and members of this amazing church as witnesses. I am forever grateful for Remnant Fellowship, and I want to spend the rest of my life serving God’s Kingdom and doing His will with Lily by my side!



Before I can get into my testimony, I couldn't miss an opportunity to thank God, our church leaders, and our parents for everything they have done to help Owen and me over these last couple of years. We would not be where we are today without you all. I feel so fortunate to say that I had the honor of being born and raised here at Remnant Fellowship Church. My parents, Andy and Maggie Sorrells, joined the church in 2003, and then I was born in 2005. From a young age, I was learning how to have a personal, real relationship with God. Gwen Shamblin Lara's lessons played such a huge part in my upbringing, and I will never take that for granted.

Owen has proven himself to be one of the most selfless people I know. He is always serving someone; even if he has no extra time, he will always help someone out. He has a huge heart for God and loves everyone, and I couldn't have asked for a better man. - Lily

One of the many blessings of being raised in this church is that I always had the best friends and examples to follow, most of whom are still my closest friends today! Owen and I became friends when we were just 13 years old. I always had a special place in my heart for Owen, as he was always the first friend to encourage me. As time passed, I started to notice all of the beautiful characteristics God had given him. Growing up with such amazing parents and examples, I knew that when God did allow me to start dating, I wanted someone who was passionate about God and had a heart for Him. As we grew older, I realized how much I cared for Owen, and I learned he shared the same feelings for me, and we started dating.

Owen has proven himself to be one of the most selfless people I know. He is always serving someone; even if he has no extra time, he will always help someone out. He has a huge heart for God and loves everyone, and I couldn't have asked for a better man. Owen and I dated for over three years, and in those three years, we went through a lot of challenges as we grew into adulthood. And I can confidently say that without this church body and our parents, we would not have been able to go through these challenges and develop the strong personal relationships with God that we currently have. I am so grateful for everything Owen and I have had the opportunity to learn together. God continues to give us back so many blessings as we choose to put Him first in our lives.

In addition to the blessing of Owen himself, words cannot express how grateful I am to God for putting the entire Milton family in my life. Through dating Owen, I have truly gained another sweet and loving family! Owen’s mother, Elizabeth Milton, has been one of my biggest encouragers, and she has become one of my best friends. I am so thankful to God for this life and for the continual blessings He pours out, and I look forward to what God has for us as we begin married life together!