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Wedding Day!
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Wedding is private, by Invitation only.

Wedding colors:
Black, White, and Gold

Recommended Attire:
Black Tie Formal

Registry Information:
Williams Sonoma, Amazon and Dillard's



Their Story...


I want to start out by giving glory and praise to God Almighty for everything He has done in my life and for putting me on this earth in such a beautiful fellowship of people; I pray I never take it for granted. I am blessed beyond words to have grown up in this church, Remnant Fellowship, under the teaching of Gwen Shamblin Lara. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that without Gwen and her daughter, Elizabeth Shamblin Hannah, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Grace is amazing, and quite possibly perfect in every way. She always makes you feel like you’re the most important person in the room and not everyone has that gift. She brightens my day without even trying, and she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Grace has truly been pivotal in my relationship with God, and I wouldn’t be here without her. - Timothy

I praise God for everything he has allowed and done in my life so far. I wouldn’t be here today without my parents moving to Tennessee before I was even born so that our family could be raised in a place that glorifies God every day. My parents have done and continue to do so much for me and my relationship with God, I wouldn’t be who or where I am today without their direction and guidance through my entire life. My parents have been long-suffering and steadfast in their relationships with God and have never let any worry get in the way of leading their family to God and showing us how to live upright lives. That is something I aspire to do and pray that my kids can someday say about me. No matter what was going on, there was always time to stop and make sure we kids were getting it right and treating each other the right way, and I can say my relationships with my siblings wouldn’t be the same without that. So a huge thank-you to my parents for their examples of perseverance and love in every situation—I aspire to be a husband and father like my own dad.

All that to say, my parents moved to Brentwood because of the teachings of the Remnant Fellowship Church and the way it produced such amazing fruit. I have so much respect for Gwen Shamblin Lara, the original founder, and her daughter, Elizabeth Shamblin Hannah, my now almost mother-in-law, for continuing to teach and preach this message of Christianity. I have to say it is truly beyond an honor to be marrying into a family that, for three generations now, has lived steadfast lives for God and serving the church, and it is something I will never take for granted. Being able to watch Elizabeth day-in and day-out meeting the needs and taking care of the church and teaching Grace how to do the same and follow in those footsteps is awe inspiring. I’m humbled that I have gotten to see Gwen and Elizabeth both walk in Jesus’ footsteps and teaching thousands how to make it to heaven. They both have done more than I will ever know to help me get where I am today—and now I am getting ready to marry the love of my life!

Next, I truly want to thank the late Joe Lara and Brandon Hannah, two of my biggest role models. Their examples of humility, love, graciousness, patience, and joy, all while having fun and loving God, was incredible to see and something I’ll never forget. They were both so quick to serve and quick to choose humility in every situation. Both of them wholeheartedly supported this church, Gwen, and Elizabeth, so it is truly a joy and honor for me to forever support Gwen and Elizabeth as leaders of the church. I am also so very excited about serving my soon-to-be wife, Grace.

And lastly, it’s hard to even put into words how excited, grateful, humbled, honored, and astounded I am to be marrying the one and only, dearest love of my entire life, Grace Hannah. She embodies all the Fruits of the Spirit at all times, and she is the most patient, loving, forgiving, humble woman in the world. Constantly looking for the needs of others and the church, always choosing love and joy in every situation, it has been an honor to know her, date her, and now marry her, things I will always remember and never take for granted. She lights up every room she walks into and always brings joy and laughter; it’s hard for me not to cheesy grin even just seeing her from across the room. I cannot believe the relieving amount of peace and hope I have for our marriage because of how many examples we have in this church, especially our parents. They have always taught us how to bring God into our relationship and go to Him with anything and everything, never letting worry divide. God has allowed testing in our relationship—some big, some small—but through it all, Grace and I are closer than we ever have been to each other and to God. With that, as many have seen in the lives of Gwen Lara and Elizabeth Hannah, Grace’s steadfast, servant-heart, humility, love, discernment, and love overflow and pour out of her to everyone, but especially to me. Grace has always been so humble and spirit-led about everything, never wavering in her faith and relationship with God, just as the scripture says. I am beyond humbled and excited to spend the rest of my life with Grace, as she follows her mother and her Gigi in serving the church and being in full support.

Grace is amazing and quite possibly perfect in every way. She always makes you feel like you’re the most important person in the room and not everyone has that gift. She brightens my day without even trying, and she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Grace has truly been pivotal in my relationship with God, and I wouldn’t be here without her. All that to say, I couldn’t be more grateful to God Almighty for everything in my life, and especially for allowing forever with my love, my fiancé, my soon-to-be-wife, Grace Ashere Hannah.


First of all, I am so thankful for this life and how much hope I have for the future! My life would not be where it is today without God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and the great leaders who went before us. I also want to thank this Remnant Fellowship church, my Gigi (Gwen), who founded it, and my dear mother, Elizabeth Hannah, who continues to show me how to live my life by living HER life in such a beautiful, Godly way. There is so much gratitude in my heart for everything I have learned here at this church, and my time with these incredible people has been priceless. My grandmother, Gigi (Gwen Shamblin Lara), founded the Weigh Down Ministry and the Remnant Fellowship Church over 20 years ago, both based on teaching us how to love God, have a relationship with Him, and put His wants and needs over our own. This message is taught from the Bible and has so clearly borne so much fruit in my own life, which is why I chose to support it wholeheartedly!!

Along with this, Gwen LIVED her message of love and showed it to every person she came into contact with. I watched it everywhere we went. She would also comfort me with any pain I ever had, encourage me with my gifts to serve the church, and would sit in bed with me, rub my head, and read me bedtime stories until I fell asleep. Her love for me, our family, and the Fischer family has always been great, and she, along with my late father, Brandon Hannah, supported our relationship since the beginning. My late father’s righteousness and complete purity is something that will positively affect me until the day I die. He always took the time to be an incredible husband to my mother and the most endearing and entertaining father EVER!

Next, my mother, Elizabeth Hannah, has steadfastly continued this message of love, and she has impacted my life in ways I cannot express. Other than serving this church and message with her life, she has also always been my best friend. Watching her take phone calls and attend meetings to help people on a daily basis, along with her righteous lifestyle, is one of the most incredible examples to me of someone walking out their faith here on this earth. I pray to have half of the amount of wisdom and discernment that she has. Ever since I was a child, my mother taught me how to hold God’s hand whenever I was hurting and how to spend time with God like He was my BEST friend - which is something she learned from her mother, Gwen. There are so many different life lessons she has taught me that have changed my life and encouraged me so much! My mother also has always been the biggest supporter of me, even though I am younger. She has always shown me how to be confident in God first, which has led to me being strong for what I believe in. One last story, my mom always helped me and Timothy in our relationship to focus on God, as well as always encouraging all of my friends with their relationships with each other! She would jump on my bed when I had my girlfriends over for sleepovers, and they consider her one of their best friends! It is so cool having a mother who is willing to take the time to be such good friends with my friends! She is so beloved by this Youth Group that my friends will literally ask, “Is your mom coming tonight?” because she is the life of the dance party, the singing, and the fun! Everyone adores and trusts my mother because she takes such good care of all of us! Along with this, she has been there for every single stage of my life, and my life has ONLY been positively affected by being with her every day! Again, she is my best friend, and I pray to grow up just like her and have a relationship with my children one day like this!!!

Next, Timothy’s family—Don and Donna Fischer and their children—have been incredible friends and supporters. His parents and all of his siblings have always treated me with so much love and genuine kindness! All of the Fischer sisters have surrounded me and taken me in as part of the family, and I love them like I love my own siblings! Don and Donna have been members of this church since the beginning and have been close friends with Gwen and my parents, which makes this even more fun!!

I also want to thank my siblings, Gweneth, Gloria and Charles Grantham, for also being my all-time best friends! We would lay our lives down for each other, because we are so close in the Lord. They are the biggest supporters of Timothy joining the family because they love him so much! He’s just like a big brother to all of them!

Next, I want to say how excited I am to be marrying the love of my life, Timothy Micah Fischer! He is exemplary in so many ways, as he is constantly looking for God’s lead, my needs, and the needs of the church. He shows so much peace, love, encouragement, and joyfulness in his everyday life, and I am so excited to have his example and love in my life. We have both grown up in this church and have been taught so well how to love and obey God, which ultimately brought us both together when we were young. We have always been able to have fun, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company every time we are together. As every life has, there has been much testing in different areas, but we have been able to grow even closer because of it!

Along with this—as we have seen in the examples of my late father, Brandon Hannah, and late step-grandfather Joe Lara—Timothy’s humility is beyond almost anything I have ever seen. He is one of the most respected young men I have ever met, and his actions, genuine kindness, and servant heart are what make him held in such high regard! The younger children in church absolutely adore him, especially my siblings, and he takes individual time to spend with each of them. He has always been a strong supporter of me and my family, and his character of being slow to speak and slow to be angry, like the scriptures say, is evident every single day. I am so excited to live the rest of my life with Timothy, as I trust that he will lead our household in serving the church and giving all of our support and credit to those who have taught us so much.

Timothy is incredible in all ways. He never hesitates to encourage everyone he comes in contact with, bring his bright smile and laugh to every conversation, and show his humility in every aspect, word, and situation! I could not be more excited to marry Timothy, as he has also helped me through the hardest times in my life...especially in 2021, when I lost my beloved Gigi and my father, who served the church with boldness every day of their lives until they passed. So, I truly mean it when I say that I couldn’t have come so far in life and cannot imagine life in the future without my soon-to-be husband, Timothy Micah Fischer, and I cannot express enough gratitude to God Almighty for bringing the two of us together!

One final thing I would like to say is that I love every member of this church with all of my heart, and being with all of you is truly the delight of my life! Please know that the only reason we have chosen a small wedding was for the privacy of the family, but we cannot wait to celebrate with you all soon! There is truly not one person that I do not simply ADORE! Thank you again for all of the love and support you have shown me and my family over the years! We could not do it without you all!


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Wedding Day!
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Wedding is private, by Invitation only.

Wedding colors:
Black, White, and Gold

Recommended Attire:
Black Tie Formal

Registry Information:
Williams Sonoma, Amazon and Dillard's



Their Story...


I want to start out by giving glory and praise to God Almighty for everything He has done in my life and for putting me on this earth in such a beautiful fellowship of people; I pray I never take it for granted. I am blessed beyond words to have grown up in this church, Remnant Fellowship, under the teaching of Gwen Shamblin Lara. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that without Gwen and her daughter, Elizabeth Shamblin Hannah, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Grace is amazing, and quite possibly perfect in every way. She always makes you feel like you’re the most important person in the room and not everyone has that gift. She brightens my day without even trying, and she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Grace has truly been pivotal in my relationship with God, and I wouldn’t be here without her. - Timothy

I praise God for everything he has allowed and done in my life so far. I wouldn’t be here today without my parents moving to Tennessee before I was even born so that our family could be raised in a place that glorifies God every day. My parents have done and continue to do so much for me and my relationship with God, I wouldn’t be who or where I am today without their direction and guidance through my entire life. My parents have been long-suffering and steadfast in their relationships with God and have never let any worry get in the way of leading their family to God and showing us how to live upright lives. That is something I aspire to do and pray that my kids can someday say about me. No matter what was going on, there was always time to stop and make sure we kids were getting it right and treating each other the right way, and I can say my relationships with my siblings wouldn’t be the same without that. So a huge thank-you to my parents for their examples of perseverance and love in every situation—I aspire to be a husband and father like my own dad.

All that to say, my parents moved to Brentwood because of the teachings of the Remnant Fellowship Church and the way it produced such amazing fruit. I have so much respect for Gwen Shamblin Lara, the original founder, and her daughter, Elizabeth Shamblin Hannah, my now almost mother-in-law, for continuing to teach and preach this message of Christianity. I have to say it is truly beyond an honor to be marrying into a family that, for three generations now, has lived steadfast lives for God and serving the church, and it is something I will never take for granted. Being able to watch Elizabeth day-in and day-out meeting the needs and taking care of the church and teaching Grace how to do the same and follow in those footsteps is awe inspiring. I’m humbled that I have gotten to see Gwen and Elizabeth both walk in Jesus’ footsteps and teaching thousands how to make it to heaven. They both have done more than I will ever know to help me get where I am today—and now I am getting ready to marry the love of my life!

Next, I truly want to thank the late Joe Lara and Brandon Hannah, two of my biggest role models. Their examples of humility, love, graciousness, patience, and joy, all while having fun and loving God, was incredible to see and something I’ll never forget. They were both so quick to serve and quick to choose humility in every situation. Both of them wholeheartedly supported this church, Gwen, and Elizabeth, so it is truly a joy and honor for me to forever support Gwen and Elizabeth as leaders of the church. I am also so very excited about serving my soon-to-be wife, Grace.

And lastly, it’s hard to even put into words how excited, grateful, humbled, honored, and astounded I am to be marrying the one and only, dearest love of my entire life, Grace Hannah. She embodies all the Fruits of the Spirit at all times, and she is the most patient, loving, forgiving, humble woman in the world. Constantly looking for the needs of others and the church, always choosing love and joy in every situation, it has been an honor to know her, date her, and now marry her, things I will always remember and never take for granted. She lights up every room she walks into and always brings joy and laughter; it’s hard for me not to cheesy grin even just seeing her from across the room. I cannot believe the relieving amount of peace and hope I have for our marriage because of how many examples we have in this church, especially our parents. They have always taught us how to bring God into our relationship and go to Him with anything and everything, never letting worry divide. God has allowed testing in our relationship—some big, some small—but through it all, Grace and I are closer than we ever have been to each other and to God. With that, as many have seen in the lives of Gwen Lara and Elizabeth Hannah, Grace’s steadfast, servant-heart, humility, love, discernment, and love overflow and pour out of her to everyone, but especially to me. Grace has always been so humble and spirit-led about everything, never wavering in her faith and relationship with God, just as the scripture says. I am beyond humbled and excited to spend the rest of my life with Grace, as she follows her mother and her Gigi in serving the church and being in full support.

Grace is amazing and quite possibly perfect in every way. She always makes you feel like you’re the most important person in the room and not everyone has that gift. She brightens my day without even trying, and she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Grace has truly been pivotal in my relationship with God, and I wouldn’t be here without her. All that to say, I couldn’t be more grateful to God Almighty for everything in my life, and especially for allowing forever with my love, my fiancé, my soon-to-be-wife, Grace Ashere Hannah.


First of all, I am so thankful for this life and how much hope I have for the future! My life would not be where it is today without God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and the great leaders who went before us. I also want to thank this Remnant Fellowship church, my Gigi (Gwen), who founded it, and my dear mother, Elizabeth Hannah, who continues to show me how to live my life by living HER life in such a beautiful, Godly way. There is so much gratitude in my heart for everything I have learned here at this church, and my time with these incredible people has been priceless. My grandmother, Gigi (Gwen Shamblin Lara), founded the Weigh Down Ministry and the Remnant Fellowship Church over 20 years ago, both based on teaching us how to love God, have a relationship with Him, and put His wants and needs over our own. This message is taught from the Bible and has so clearly borne so much fruit in my own life, which is why I chose to support it wholeheartedly!!

Along with this, Gwen LIVED her message of love and showed it to every person she came into contact with. I watched it everywhere we went. She would also comfort me with any pain I ever had, encourage me with my gifts to serve the church, and would sit in bed with me, rub my head, and read me bedtime stories until I fell asleep. Her love for me, our family, and the Fischer family has always been great, and she, along with my late father, Brandon Hannah, supported our relationship since the beginning. My late father’s righteousness and complete purity is something that will positively affect me until the day I die. He always took the time to be an incredible husband to my mother and the most endearing and entertaining father EVER!

Next, my mother, Elizabeth Hannah, has steadfastly continued this message of love, and she has impacted my life in ways I cannot express. Other than serving this church and message with her life, she has also always been my best friend. Watching her take phone calls and attend meetings to help people on a daily basis, along with her righteous lifestyle, is one of the most incredible examples to me of someone walking out their faith here on this earth. I pray to have half of the amount of wisdom and discernment that she has. Ever since I was a child, my mother taught me how to hold God’s hand whenever I was hurting and how to spend time with God like He was my BEST friend - which is something she learned from her mother, Gwen. There are so many different life lessons she has taught me that have changed my life and encouraged me so much! My mother also has always been the biggest supporter of me, even though I am younger. She has always shown me how to be confident in God first, which has led to me being strong for what I believe in. One last story, my mom always helped me and Timothy in our relationship to focus on God, as well as always encouraging all of my friends with their relationships with each other! She would jump on my bed when I had my girlfriends over for sleepovers, and they consider her one of their best friends! It is so cool having a mother who is willing to take the time to be such good friends with my friends! She is so beloved by this Youth Group that my friends will literally ask, “Is your mom coming tonight?” because she is the life of the dance party, the singing, and the fun! Everyone adores and trusts my mother because she takes such good care of all of us! Along with this, she has been there for every single stage of my life, and my life has ONLY been positively affected by being with her every day! Again, she is my best friend, and I pray to grow up just like her and have a relationship with my children one day like this!!!

Next, Timothy’s family—Don and Donna Fischer and their children—have been incredible friends and supporters. His parents and all of his siblings have always treated me with so much love and genuine kindness! All of the Fischer sisters have surrounded me and taken me in as part of the family, and I love them like I love my own siblings! Don and Donna have been members of this church since the beginning and have been close friends with Gwen and my parents, which makes this even more fun!!

I also want to thank my siblings, Gweneth, Gloria and Charles Grantham, for also being my all-time best friends! We would lay our lives down for each other, because we are so close in the Lord. They are the biggest supporters of Timothy joining the family because they love him so much! He’s just like a big brother to all of them!

Next, I want to say how excited I am to be marrying the love of my life, Timothy Micah Fischer! He is exemplary in so many ways, as he is constantly looking for God’s lead, my needs, and the needs of the church. He shows so much peace, love, encouragement, and joyfulness in his everyday life, and I am so excited to have his example and love in my life. We have both grown up in this church and have been taught so well how to love and obey God, which ultimately brought us both together when we were young. We have always been able to have fun, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company every time we are together. As every life has, there has been much testing in different areas, but we have been able to grow even closer because of it!

Along with this—as we have seen in the examples of my late father, Brandon Hannah, and late step-grandfather Joe Lara—Timothy’s humility is beyond almost anything I have ever seen. He is one of the most respected young men I have ever met, and his actions, genuine kindness, and servant heart are what make him held in such high regard! The younger children in church absolutely adore him, especially my siblings, and he takes individual time to spend with each of them. He has always been a strong supporter of me and my family, and his character of being slow to speak and slow to be angry, like the scriptures say, is evident every single day. I am so excited to live the rest of my life with Timothy, as I trust that he will lead our household in serving the church and giving all of our support and credit to those who have taught us so much.

Timothy is incredible in all ways. He never hesitates to encourage everyone he comes in contact with, bring his bright smile and laugh to every conversation, and show his humility in every aspect, word, and situation! I could not be more excited to marry Timothy, as he has also helped me through the hardest times in my life...especially in 2021, when I lost my beloved Gigi and my father, who served the church with boldness every day of their lives until they passed. So, I truly mean it when I say that I couldn’t have come so far in life and cannot imagine life in the future without my soon-to-be husband, Timothy Micah Fischer, and I cannot express enough gratitude to God Almighty for bringing the two of us together!

One final thing I would like to say is that I love every member of this church with all of my heart, and being with all of you is truly the delight of my life! Please know that the only reason we have chosen a small wedding was for the privacy of the family, but we cannot wait to celebrate with you all soon! There is truly not one person that I do not simply ADORE! Thank you again for all of the love and support you have shown me and my family over the years! We could not do it without you all!