Their Story...
Abigail Langsdon:
My name is Abigail Langsdon and I am 20 years old. My family joined Remnant Fellowship Church back in 1999 when I was only 3 years old. It has been an honor and a privilege growing up under this teaching of total obedience to God and I do not take it lightly. I know without the truth of what I've been taught I would be in a world of pain because I would have tried to make it a world all about myself. I am thankful I am taught how to have a TRUE connection with the one TRUE God of the Universe. I wake up every morning more in love with Him and get butterflies with every little answered prayer. I am so grateful for this church and these leaders who have taught me how to grow up selflessly and under God's authority. This united body of fellowship has played a huge role in my relationship with God as my friends and I want to talk about Him all of the time and the only "peer-pressure" I experienced growing up was getting MORE under God's authority and seeing who could out do one another in showing honor.
"This message taught at Remnant Fellowship gives me so much hope going into a marriage because I know, if we continue to put the words we hear every week about putting God first into practice, that there will be peace in our home."- Abigail Langsdon
This is where my now fiancé came into the picture. I noticed Colton make a total transformation; from chasing the world and it's desires to now putting this message of love for God first fully into practice and wanting to glorify only God with his life. Colton and I started getting to know each other when "The History of The Love of God" book by Gwen Shamblin came out and our friends were gathering as much as we could to read it. I witnessed a humble man share his convictions and what he was working on and it only left me wanting to get to know him more. Through our budding relationship and the courting process it was evident that we were stronger together than apart. I found myself falling MORE in love with God and relying on His perfect leading through every step in Colton and I's relationship, which has made and continues to make everything so peaceful.
This message taught at Remnant Fellowship gives me so much hope going into a marriage because I know if we continue to put the words we hear every week about putting God first into practice that there will be peace in our home. I praise God everyday for putting Colton in my life and I am looking forward to a lifetime with him! May our house forever serve the Lord!
Colton Maginnis:
I’ve been a part of the message since 2013 when my family moved here from Texas. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that I was putting into practice what I had been hearing since living here. Accompanying me daily was depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, paranoia, anger, lust, you name it. Eventually, life got to the point where I turned away from believing in any god all together, and I instead turned to drugs and alcohol.
"I praise God for this place and I praise God for the words He’s given to Gwen Shamblin to share with the world...and I praise God for this life because I know I would not be here if it weren’t for Him."- Colton
If I had to say what life before Remnant was for me, it was pain. A daily, life-sucking, paranoid exhausted life. Life before Remnant was pain. However since putting Remnant into actual, daily practice in my life, I have been able to sleep, I now wake up with a smile on my face, I’m in control of my emotions, and I no longer feel the scared feeling that I lived with for so long.
Even after a year of putting this message into practice, I knew that I still had a long way to go, and I knew that if God was going to bless with me at any chance with a connection with him first, and then a connection with a girl than I needed to weed out EVERYTHING in my heart that wasn’t pleasing to him. Even if going "all in" with this message of following God 100% in every area of my life didn’t yield in ending up with a girl, I had nothing to lose by drawing as close to God as I possibly could. That involved me laying down the searching for a feeling in drugs, anger, especially towards my family, losing myself into music, lust, feeling like I needed approval from other people, I can keep going.
At first it was incredibly tough, like climbing Everest and all I had was a pair of forks to climb the ice with. It was a daily struggle, but taking it in bite sized pieces wasn’t so hard, so that’s what I did; It started with small things like just thanking God for what I was given: A family who loves me, a roof over my head, food to eat, music, etc. Then it went on to being obedient and helpful towards my parents, which then went on to conquering bigger stuff, all with starting every single day off with true, genuine thankfulness to God. After a while I realized that my Everest wasn’t so bad, and I started climbing it like I had an elevator with the messages and practices I was given by this Church, and since that first choice, life’s been amazing so far. God led me to Abbi Langsdon to choose as my wife. I can honestly say that I don’t deserve her for one second, and I still have plenty of more Everests to climb in my life, but I praise God for this place and I praise God for the words He’s given to Gwen Shamblin to share with the world...and I praise God for this life because I know I would not be here if it weren’t for Him.